A strong partner worldwide
Now, the time for lithium batteries has come. With Liontron you have an expert partner at your side, which stands for innovative, mobile storage solutions.
For many years our customers place their trust in our liontron batteries in premium quality – wherever you go, Liontron batteries get you reliably to your destination with high performance and the latest technology. As high-end traction batteries for mobile use or as up-to-date storage solution Liontron batteries fully meet the highest demands that are made on state-of-the-art memory batteries nowadays.
In the development of our lithium batteries, we focus predominantly on durability, performance, and security. Thanks to decades of experience in the manufacturing and distribution of battery systems our team cares about the goal- and customer-oriented progress. Uncompromising quality guidelines and controls ensure consistently good quality.
Contact for requests:
Phone: +49 (0) 2157 – 144 90 70
For technical support or consultation, please contact your salesman.
*10-year manufacturer’s warranty for purchases from 1.9.2024. The 7-year warranty continues to apply to batteries with a purchase date from 1.1.2023 to 31.8.2024.